The Accidental Salad

A black and white image of the letter s


2  12 oz packages frozen green beans

1  10 -12 oz package  frozen asparagus

1 package frozen shelled edamame

¾ cup Sesame Dressing (I used the recipe in my cookbook, page 38 – it’s my favorite dressing! There are many others you can buy and keep on hand.)

1 cup toasted almonds ( I toast them in the microwave on a paper towel – checking after one minute – it usually take about 2 minutes to lightly toast)

1 cup dried cranberries – or whatever is on hand, raisins, cherries etc.

Salt and pepper to taste


Put vegetables in a large bowl and microwave until no longer frozen, but not yet heated through. (Stir every minute to check- about 4 minutes)

Add almonds, cranberries, and dressing. Mix thoroughly. Add salt and pepper to taste.