Lauren’s Wine Cake

Our friend Lauren was coming with us on a recent family getaway and asked if she could bring a cake. Well what kind of idiot says no to that? We love cake! Lauren made a recipe she and her mom adore, so already it was special. Family recipes are always the best. She casually mentioned that this cake featured not only a wine glaze but there was wine in it as well. As luck would have it – we also love wine! Perfect! Lauren’s cake traveled with us to the lake house where we were vacationing and ended up on the kitchen counter with the rest of the supplies as we explored our new digs. Later, when we unpacked and put up groceries, I barely gave the cake a second glance. It was in a sealed container and it didn’t have any icing to discretely swipe off the sides, so it could wait until after dinner. Or at least that was the plan. It was freezing cold, so we lit a fire in the fireplace. My son volunteered to make cocktails to sip while we enjoyed the sunset, and it seemed like an appetizer tray would add just the right touch. We had a delicious dip that only required a spin in the microwave, plus an assortment of cheese, crackers, and olives. It looked good, but something was missing. Hmmm – doesn’t wine cake sound like a nice addition to a hearty appetizer spread? I cut the first piece and let’s just say it’s a good thing that cake had been sealed in a container. If any of us had smelled it, we probably would have pounced on it like hungry, hungry, hippos. I cut a piece, nibbled a little bite, cut another piece and – well – you know the rest. It was much smaller by the time cocktail hour was over. This cake is everything you want a cake to be and more. It’s very moist and delicious with a hint of spice. It’s sweet enough – but not cloying – and the buttery wine glaze is that little something that makes people say – “what is that marvelous flavor?” I was willing to beg for the recipe, but of course Lauren was happy to share.

Last night a group of my April birthday friends got together to celebrate and I brought Lauren’s Wine Cake. It did not disappoint. The happy little yummy sounds that everyone made when they took a first bite was exactly what says this recipe is a winner. The best news is that this cake is as easy to make as it is delicious, starting with a cake mix, baked in a Bundt pan, and topped with a warm three ingredient glaze that soaks right in. If you are not a wine drinker – no fear – it does cook into the glaze That still didn’t stop the comment from being made – “finally you can have your wine and eat it too!” This cake is now a family favorite in our house. You are going to just love it. Make Lauren’s Wine Cake soon!  Enjoy!

Lauren’s Wine Cake



1 box yellow cake mix

¼ c brown sugar

¼ c white sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

1 box vanilla pudding mix (don’t get the sugar free – it tastes weird)

4 eggs

¾ c water

¾ c canola or vegetable oil

½ c white wine


1 stick (1/2 c) butter

1 c sugar

1 c white wine


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Spray a Bundt pan with cooking spray.

In a large bowl, with an electric mixer, or by hand, mix all ingredients for the cake, (reserve glaze ingredients) until well combined.

Pour batter into the prepared pan and bake one hour.

Right before removing the cake from the oven, make the glaze by melting butter with sugar and wine in a small saucepan over medium high heat.

Remove cake and pour hot glaze over the cake.

Allow cake to cool completely before unmolding.