Aloha Tiger Salad
Something magical happened in the cucumber patch this summer.

Because of The Virus not much of this season’s planting had to do with going to a garden center, but instead ordering seeds and starting them in whatever containers were available. (Please don’t judge by the picture.)

By far and away the blue ribbon for best seedlings went to cucumbers and now they are spilling out of the fridge, taking over the garden, and demanding attention. Experimentation for the cook is the reward for a lucky crop and so that was what I’m doing. This recipe is an attempt to create a salad we had on a trip last summer to Maui – a lifetime dream! There was this tiny roadside restaurant, with no more than a couple of tables – hardly more than a shack that served delicious seafood and a condiment or maybe just a sidekick to their sandwiches called Tiger Salad. The proprietor when questioned said that he cut veggies in strips to resemble tiger stripes.

The only consistent ingredients seemed to be cucumbers, pepper flakes, and cilantro. Once it featured green peppers which was not a big hit but all the other versions were delicious. This Tiger Salad recipe with its crunchy texture and cool vibe is just the thing when Nashville temps are soaring in July. Although in Hawaii it came on a sandwich, it’s really delicious with anything grilled like seafood, pork, chicken – you name it! If ever there was a philosophy of cooking we could all adhere to in these strange times, it’s to use what you have on hand.

For me that was cucumbers (lots) yellow pepper, celery (a weird but crunchy addition) and green onions. The restaurant owner swore by rice wine vinegar and sesame oil in no particular amount as a dressing so a dash here and there, a quick stir and taste, and it was Aloha all over again. I cannot recommend this salad more – it is addictive. Mix it up in the afternoon and let it chill till you grill. You’ll love this recipe! Enjoy!
Aloha Tiger Salad
Ingredients (serves 2)
1 cucumber, seeded and sliced into thin 2-inch strips
½ bell pepper, seeded and sliced into thin 2-inch strips
1-2 stalks celery, sliced into thin 2-inch strips
4 green onions thinly sliced
(Remember you can add what you have on hand for your vegetables)
1 handful of cilantro, stemmed
1 tsp sesame oil
½ tsp salt
1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar
¼ tsp red pepper flakes (or 1 seeded and sliced jalapeno pepper)

Mix all ingredients and check for seasonings.
Chill at least one hour before serving.