Fruit Cobbler

(Daniel’s Dessert)

This recipe is as old as the hills which is a good reason to have it in your repertoire. You know a dessert is the real deal if it’s stuck around for ages and can still get “oohhs and aahhs” when you bring it to the table. I’ve never been sure if this recipe had a real name.

We call it Daniel’s Dessert because it was the most favorite of our dear and much missed Daniel.  His mom gave me the recipe years ago and I still make it all the time. Basically, this is a fruit cobbler without the fuss. First of all, and this is just the best thing, any fruit will do. We’ve tried it all from peaches, to raspberries, to canned fruit, and even weird bags of mixed frozen berries from the Kroger. I happen to like fresh fruit best but won’t be a snob about it.

Blackberries were on sale this week and popped into my cart with no specific purpose until my son said he was coming to dinner. Dinner with adult kids is a new mystery that always means putting on the dog, so they’ll come back. That being said, dessert must always on the menu.

A recipe cannot get easier than this. Here goes- sometime in the day as you trot through the kitchen throw 6 tablespoons of butter in a Pyrex dish or pie pan. Next time you move through put a cup of flour, a cup of sugar, a tsp of baking powder and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Just leave it all alone until you are ready to bake. About an hour before dinner, preheat the oven and let the butter melt in the oven. Stir a cup of milk into the flour mixture. Pour it on top of the melted butter and don’t stir. Put 2 cups of fruit on top – again – don’t stir – just pop it in the oven for 50-60 minutes and just like magic it’s dessert perfection. Ice cream – whip cream – straight out of the dish – hot – cold, what can I say but it’s all fabulous. Last night’s dessert was this morning’s breakfast.

This is a must try (again and again). Enjoy!

Fruit Cobbler (Daniel’s Dessert)


6 Tbsp butter

1 cup flour

1 cup sugar

1½ tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt

2 cups fruit

1 cup milk


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Melt butter in an 8×8 pyrex dish or pie pan in the preheated oven.

Mix dry ingredients and whisk in milk.

Pour wet mixture over the butter – do not stir.

Pour fruit on top – do not stir.

Bake 50 to 60 minutes.

Great hot, warm, or cold. Ice cream or whipped cream can never hurt!