Parmesan Cheddar Thumbprints

Thumbprint cookies have always been a favorite component of any self-respecting Southern cookie jar. That usually means little buttery sweet cookies with a little mound of jam in the middle. Those are marvelous, perhaps the subject of another post, but these savory Thumbprints are destined to become a family favorite when an appetizer is in demand. Parmesan Cheddar Thumbprints are slice and bake wafers made with cheddar and parmesan with a salty crunchy pecan standing in for the jam. Really, jam would still be okay, cheese and jam are a natural, but it’s those big beautiful pecans that take these treats over the top. Experimenting with traditional cheese straws is always okay in my house. Testers are standing by and have yet to register a complaint, but it would be unfair to say that there aren’t favorites. This recipe was universally (at least in my house) well received. It was so well received that there were none left the next day. Every recipe – even favorites get a little tweaking and the testers were delighted by the addition of a bite with garlic salt and smoky paprika. So, then Parmesan Cheddar Thumbprints got to go out to a party. What’s to be said except it’s a great feeling when your party contribution makes you feel like a rock star. Actually no one asked for an autograph, but the recipe was much requested. Everyone went home with a copy. Here is one for you too. You’ll love how easy these are to make, how pretty they are on a plate, and the compliments that follow. Enjoy!

Parmesan Cheddar Thumbprints


1 stick (1/2 cup) butter

2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated

½ cup parmesan cheese, grated

½ tsp garlic salt

½ tsp smoky paprika

¼ tsp black pepper

1 cup flour

Pecan halves for topping

Optional: Flaky salt


In a food processor or with an electric mixer combine butter, cheese, salt, paprika, pepper, and flour until a crumbly dough forms.

Transfer to plastic wrap and roll into a long roll about 2 inches in diameter, jelly roll style.

Refrigerate for an hour before baking. (Dough will keep for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. (or spray with cooking spray)

Slice dough in to about ¼ inch slices.

Top each slice with a pecan half and bake for 10 minutes until edges begin to lightly brown.

Remove from oven and sprinkle with flaky salt if desired.

Cool and serve or store in an airtight container.

Eager Testers