Ratatouille – not the Disney Version
How did I get lucky enough to have a basket full of gorgeous produce? Because I volunteered with a friend to decorate a table and we were both in agreement that food is beautiful! Some of the vegetables were from my garden and some from the farmer’s market but all of them needed to be used and what better way than stirring up a big pot of ratatouille?
When I was in college, I had never heard the word ratatouille but the girls in our shared apartment loved a dish I invented that we called eggplant glop.

It was really about the same thing – eggplant – tomatoes – onions and whatever vegetables were around all stewed together with some herbs and a splash of wine. When we had company our “sophisticated version” was served on brown rice and was topped with a sauce made of cream cheese and butter which seemed very posh and possibly French. It was neither but – yum. Now when I make a more authentic Ratatouille I include zucchini, peppers, garlic, and lots of fresh herbs. Tomato paste adds a final touch of richness and how you serve it after that is anyone’s game.
I like it hot as a side dish with grilled fish or chicken. It can be a veggie main dish served on rice or pasta. It is equally lovely straight from the refrigerator slathered on a piece of toast (here it would be nice to say a French baguette – but sadly don’t always have those lying about). But the best dish of all may be leftover ratatouille to fill a delicious omelet made with fresh eggs that you can also pick up at the farmer’s market. You might serve it with some cheese that is a little less causal than cream cheese although I am not in a position to judge. Bottom line – what a treat. Make Ratatouille soon while all this wealth of fresh produce is available and enjoy!
2 Tbsp olive oil (more if needed)
1 large eggplant, chopped
2 zucchini, chopped
1 bell pepper, chopped
1 onion, chopped
3-4 cloves of garlic, chopped
3 fresh tomatoes, diced save any juices
1 – 2 Tbsp tomato paste
¼ cup red wine (optional)
1 tsp sugar (it’s a southern thing)
1 tsp or more salt (taste)
1 tsp each oregano and thyme dried or equivalent fresh
Fresh basil – garnish

Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium high heat.
Cook eggplant, stirring occasionally until softened about 10 minutes and remove to another bowl.
To the same pot add zucchini, bell pepper, onion, and garlic and sauté until softened – using more oil if necessary.
Return eggplant to the pot along with tomatoes and their juice, tomato paste, wine, sugar, salt, and herbs.
Cook stirring occasionally until about 10 minutes until all ingredients are incorporated.
Serve topped with fresh basil if desired.
*Will keep in the refrigerator several days and freezes well!

Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium high heat.
Cook eggplant, stirring occasionally until softened about 10 minutes and remove to another bowl.
To the same pot add zucchini, bell pepper, onion, and garlic and sauté until softened – using more oil if necessary.
Return eggplant to the pot along with tomatoes and their juice, tomato paste, wine, sugar, salt, and herbs.
Cook stirring occasionally until about 10 minutes until all ingredients are incorporated.
Serve topped with fresh basil if desired.
*Will keep in the refrigerator several days and freezes well!