Gingersnap Cheesecake

A news report a few days ago stated that 21% of people who eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving don’t like it a bit. That number doesn’t even address the people (like my husband) who will have nothing to do with it. Really, I don’t believe that any pie is unlikeable. It’s pie for heaven sakes! But just on the chance you are exploring the idea of a different dessert for your holiday table that is still kind of seasonal, I just might have the perfect thing. How does a Gingersnap Cheesecake sound? I can tell you how it tastes – marvelous, luscious, and the gingersnap crust is just perfection. People get excited about cheesecake – it’s kind of an “oh-la -la” dessert that feels really special. Years ago, I worked as a counselor in a school in Memphis that boasted a culinary department. The instructor had cooked in a famous restaurant in New York and had a cheesecake recipe that was just over the top. The finishing touch was that after baking, the cheesecake gets iced with a mixture of sour cream, sugar and vanilla and then back in the oven for a few minutes. It gets glossy and pretty.

Actually, a cheese cake is one of the easiest things to make. You just have to plan ahead for cooling time. It helps to have a springform pan, but I loaned mine out and used a removeable bottom pan that worked just fine. A pie pan with a high side will also save the day. Other than that, it’s – well – a piece of cake.

You simply beat 3 packages of cream cheese with a cup of sugar, 4 eggs, and vanilla. That’s easy enough. Mix 1½ cups of gingersnap cookies that have been crushed with 2 tablespoons of sugar and a stick of melted butter and you have the crust. While the cheesecake bakes mix a pint of sour cream with 2 more tablespoons of sugar and 2 tsp of vanilla. Once you’ve let it cool and it’s time to serve, a little topping is a pretty touch. I used fig preserves with lemon and ginger, but a spot of apple pie filling or even lemon curd would be nice. Barring that, stick a whole ginger snap on top and call it a day.

Back to stories on the news, I got to cook with Lelan on Talk of the Town yesterday (CLICK HERE TO VIEW – have to watch advertisement first!). That delicious sheet pan Creole dinner was such a hit, and cooking with Lelan is always a treat. The folks at NewsChannel 5 are just the nicest people in the world, it feels like family.

Speaking of family, it’s such a busy time of year – treat yourself and your family to that easy and delicious dinner and finish off the meal perfectly with this wonderful cheesecake. You’ll be a hero (you already are)! Enjoy

Gingersnap Cheesecake

Ingredients for crust

1½ cups gingersnaps crushed (about 6 oz – Put in a plastic. Bag and crush with a rolling pin.)

1 stick melted butter (8 Tbsp)

2 Tbsp sugar

Ingredients for filling

1½ lb cream cheese

4 eggs

1 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

Ingredients for topping

1 pint sour cream

2 Tbsp sugar

1 tsp vanilla


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix ingredients for crust and press into and up the sides of a nine-inch springform, removeable bottom or high sided pie pan.

Bake for 10 minutes and cool while making the filling.

In a bowl with an electric mixer beat cream cheese, eggs, sugar, and vanilla until smooth.

Pour filling into crust and bake for about 50 minutes until cheese is set at the edges.

Remove from oven (leave oven on) and cool for 10 minutes.

Make topping by combining sour cream with sugar and vanilla.

Spread over the top of slightly cooled cheesecake and bake another 12-14 minutes until glossy.

Allow cheesecake to cool then refrigerate 6 to 8 hours before serving.