Roasted Onion and Blue Cheese Dip

Sure – you can buy a million varieties of dips for your chips at the grocery store, but why waste your calories when with barely any effort you can create a roasted green onion and blue cheese dip that makes every potato chip worth it? Plus, your house smells good – roasting onions. Whether the plan is watching a football game with a great array of pick-up food, hosting friends for cocktails, or planning a fall picnic, this is one recipe you are going to want to include. It is so easy and the results are spectacular. I know this because I made it yesterday to take to a small gathering of friends. An hour later it was gone. That’s how good this stuff is I thought as I ran my finger along the edge of the empty bowl in case there was just a little bit left. The recipe had to be shared. The only time involved is not labor intensive – it just sticking the onions in the oven for 20 minutes. After that it’s a quick buzz in the food processor or mixer. The ingredients couldn’t be any yummier, blue cheese of course, sour cream, cream cheese, a little lemon zest and juice and then those marvelous onions. It would be great to tell you it keeps for days, but we may never know. Potato chips were marvelous, but pita chips, corn chips, I guess in a slightly virtuous moment sliced veggies could stand in as well. But really, go ahead and splurge on the potato chips. You’ll find the experience is just like that great advertising gimmick “No one can eat just one.” And you wouldn’t want to! Enjoy.

Roasted Green Onion and Blue Cheese Dip


3 bunches of green onions, washed and trimmed (ends off)

8 oz cream cheese

8 oz sour cream

5 oz blue cheese

Juice and zest of one lemon

Olive oil, salt and pepper for roasting onions


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper.

Chop onions into large pieces, place on baking sheet, drizzle with a little olive oil, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Roast for 20 minutes, stirring once.

Combine cream cheese, sour cream, blue cheese, and lemon juice and zest in a food processor and pulse until thoroughly combined. (or use an electric mixer- hand chop onions)

Add onions and pulse until finely chopped.

Store in the refrigerator.