Scallops with Prosiutto and a Bourbon Honey Glaze
Well, it did actually rain all weekend. I know it was predicted but somehow predictions and Nashville don’t always click. As luck (or stupidity) would have it, I bought some beautiful scallops to grill wrapped in bacon. Grilling was not a possibility Friday night, so I had to get creative. There is a little restaurant in the oceanside town of Fernandina in Florida that serves amazing scallops with a rich, slightly sweet glaze. We love it and so why not recreate some version of it at home? The original grilling with bacon plan was already in the dust. It appears someone ate the bacon that had been carefully tucked away in the freezer. That was okay, prosciutto is a quicker cook with the same salty bite. The results were so good I have to share. This also was a one pan dish which mattered because the dishwasher had decided to be ill-behaved (the real one – not my husband). First with the help of toothpicks the scallops were all nicely wrapped in a strip of prosciutto. While I did that, I let some butter slowly brown on the stove with a sage leaf.

When the butter was good and hot the scallops went in to quickly brown on both sides which took about 2 – 3 minutes. While the scallops rested on a plate, I added a tablespoon of brown sugar, a teaspoon on honey and a tablespoon of bourbon to the skillet. As the brown sugar melted, I finished the sauce with a couple of spoons of heavy cream, then added the scallops back in to reheat. I don’t think more than 15 minutes were spent from wrapping the scallops to plating them. I should have added a touch of something green to the plate but honestly, we couldn’t wait to try them. You shouldn’t wait either. Enjoy!
Ingredients (for 2 – easy to double or half)

12 scallops
4 pieces of prosciutto – each cut in 3 strips
Salt and pepper to taste
3 Tbsp butter
Sage leaf (optional)
1 Tbsp bourbon
1 tsp honey
1 Tbsp brown sugar
2 Tbsp heavy cream
Make sure scallops are dry and wrap each one in a piece of prosciutto securing with a toothpick.

Lightly salt and pepper the scallops.
Brown butter with the sage over low heat until it is a light caramel color.
Raise heat to a medium temperature and brown the scallops on each side.
Remove scallops to a plate while making the sauce.
To the remaining butter add bourbon, brown sugar and honey.

As the brown sugar melts add the cream stirring to combine.
Return scallops to the pan to heat through (30 seconds – don’t overcook).
Serve scallops with the sauce.